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ASME PC Recognizes CCIEA as an ANDE-1 Training Facility

cciea2018-04-25 12:06:21

    During the China Chemical Industrial Equipment Association’s (CCIEA) annual conference held in Jinan, Shandong China,Jon Labrador,President of The American Society of Mechanical Engineers Personnel Certification LLC (ASME PC),took the opportunity to address the nearly 600 manufacturers in attendance on the value of ASME PC's recently launched ANDE Personnel Certification program to the future of the nondestructive testing industry.In the presentation,Mr. Labrador recognized CCIEA’s tremendous efforts over the last year in evaluating the ASME ANDE-1 Standard* and utilizing the Systematic Approach to Training (SAT) process, transformed their nondestructive testing (NDT) training courses to conform with the instructor and training requirements delineated within the ASME ANDE-1 Standard.
In that year,CCIEA joined with ASME in working sessions that focused on the creation and use of the Body of knowledge (Bok), the use of Job Task Analysis (JTA),Qualification / Continuity Cards, and the incorporation of the SAT process into their training scheme. 
The ASME PC ANDE certification program is fundamentally different than other NDE programs.The ANDE Program provides a new and unique approach to certification as compared to traditionally utilized national and international certification schemes.It implements the most effective currently known elements into its certification scheme, including:
——Systematic Approach to Training (SAT);
——Detailed Job Task Analysis (JTA);
——Defining Experience Requirements (Qualification Cards);and
——Independent,psychometrically validated third-party written examinations and practical demonstrations.
Additionally,ASME PC closely collaborates with its established Specific Industry Sector (SIS) groups to ensure required sector specific applications,technical requirements, and best practices are addressed within its certification scheme.
This differs from current prescriptive on-the-job (OJT) training/experience that may not provide performance measurement for meaningful learning opportunities and the time based only methodology does not recognize training effectiveness and learning abilities of individuals.Also, effective feedback when detecting and evaluating actual flaws is seldom provided since they are rarely encountered.
Instead of prescriptive method, ASME PC’s ANDE Certification program focuses on a performance based method.The utilization of the ANDE Qualification / Continuity cards are to specifically identify the essential elements of each task leading to certification.The Qualification Cards provide a process to demonstrate skills and proficiency at a specified performance level.Accuracy and ability are key,not time.
CCIEA’s Director General Zhao Min,Secretary General Zhu Haiying,along with their staff are committed to assisting ASME PC in bringing the ANDE Personnel Certification program to China and stands ready to implement the ANDE training scheme to its students preparing for an ANDE certification within the various NDT method(s).
ASME Nondestructive Examination and Quality Control Central Qualification and Certification Program Standard
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